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QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PUEBLO BONITO

Pueblo Bonito, Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay, Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach, Pueblo Bonito Rose, Pueblo Bonito Pacifica, Pueblo Bonito Blanco, Samba

QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en PUEBLO BONITO
Razón social
Operadora de Inmuebles Los Arcos S.A. de C.V.; Terra pacifica S.A. de C.V.
Cabo, Mazatlan.
Agencias de cobro
Concord Servicing Corporation, Phoenix, AZ.
Compañí­as de Renta
Suite Getaway, Elite Retreat
Sergio Cayeros, Tele Gutierrez, David Larson, Alfredo Ramirez, Briselda Ahumada, Eugene Miller, Veronica Escamilla, Roberto Guzman, Melanie Glazier, Omar Alvarez.

Quejas Comunes de socios de Pueblo Bonito:

  • Vendedor hace al cliente que renuncie a su derecho de cinco días para cancelar, ya que la membresía que está comprando supuestamentees una oferta especial sólo un día. Esto es ilegal en México.
  • Vendedor se compromete a vender su antiguo tiempo compartido para el costo del nuevo tiempo compartido. Al final, el cliente se refiere a una empresa de reventa que no vende su tiempo compartido antiguo y el cliente se ha quedado atascado con dos tiempos compartidos y la cuota de mantenimiento para ambas propiedades.

Cabo San Lucas
Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9999
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9999
México: (624) 142 9999
Estados Unidos, Canadá Fax: 011 (52) (624) 142 9957
Internacional Fax: + (52) (624) 142 9957
México Fax: (624) 142-9957

Playa El Médano
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9898
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9898
Desde México: (624) 142 9898
Fax desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 143 5972
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 143 5972
Fax desde México: (624) 143 5972

Playa El Médano S/N
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9797
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9797
Desde México: 01 (624) 142 9797
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 143 1995
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 143 1995
Fax desde México: 01 (624) 143 1995

Cabo Pacífica
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9696
Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9696
Desde México: (624) 142 9696
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9605
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 142 9605
Fax desde México: (624) 142-9605

Cabo Pacífica
Predio Paraíso Escondido
Cabo San Lucas,
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 142 9999
Internacional: + 01 (624) 142 9999
Desde México: 01 (624) 142 9999
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (624) 173 6101
Fax Internacional: + (52) (624) 173 6101
Fax desde México: 01 (624) 173 6101

Zona Nuevo Mazatlán
Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 0525
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 0525
México: (669) 989 0525
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 988 0718
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 988 0718
Fax desde México: (669) 988 0718

Pueblo Bonito Mazatlán
Desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 8900
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 8900
Desde México: 01 (669) 989 8900
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 914 1723
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 914 1723
Fax desde México: 01 (669) 914 1723

Residencias Emerald de Pueblo Bonito
Desde Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 989 0525
Internacional: + (52) (669) 989 0525
Desde México: 01 (669) 989 0525
Fax desde los Estados Unidos o Canadá: 011 (52) (669) 988 0320
Fax Internacional: + (52) (669) 988 0320
Fax desde México: 01 (669) 988 0320

Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en Pueblo Bonito y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.

Deje su comentario abajo y comparta esta informacion en Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Solo de click en los botones de sus redes sociales.

leave a complaint
Lea lo que otras victimas de fraude en tiempo compartido dicen.
383 Queja(s)
  • Francisco Colín Agosto 26, 2024, 11:12 am

    Que tal buen día, he comprado mi Pueblo Bonito Travel Club hace apenas unas semanas,que tan malo es?

  • Amy Proud Junio 26, 2024, 12:55 pm

    My experience with Pueblo Bonito Travel Club has been incredibly disappointing, and after reading several Pueblo Bonito Travel Club reviews, it seems I'm not alone. The initial sales pitch was overly enticing, promising luxurious vacations and exclusive benefits. However, once I became a member, the reality was starkly different.

    The accommodations were not as advertised, and trying to book anything was a logistical nightmare. Customer service was unresponsive and seemed indifferent to my concerns. It felt like once they had my money, they were done with me.

    I strongly caution anyone considering joining the Pueblo Bonito Travel Club to thoroughly research and reconsider. The glowing reviews online did not match my experience at all. This club needs to improve its transparency and customer service if it wants to retain members and maintain its reputation.

  • Amy Proud Junio 26, 2024, 12:55 pm

    My experience with Pueblo Bonito Travel Club has been incredibly disappointing, and after reading several Pueblo Bonito Travel Club reviews, it seems I'm not alone. The initial sales pitch was overly enticing, promising luxurious vacations and exclusive benefits. However, once I became a member, the reality was starkly different.

    The accommodations were not as advertised, and trying to book anything was a logistical nightmare. Customer service was unresponsive and seemed indifferent to my concerns. It felt like once they had my money, they were done with me.

    I strongly caution anyone considering joining the Pueblo Bonito Travel Club to thoroughly research and reconsider. The glowing reviews online did not match my experience at all. This club needs to improve its transparency and customer service if it wants to retain members and maintain its reputation.

  • Amy Proud Junio 26, 2024, 12:55 pm

    My experience with Pueblo Bonito Travel Club has been incredibly disappointing, and after reading several Pueblo Bonito Travel Club reviews, it seems I'm not alone. The initial sales pitch was overly enticing, promising luxurious vacations and exclusive benefits. However, once I became a member, the reality was starkly different.

    The accommodations were not as advertised, and trying to book anything was a logistical nightmare. Customer service was unresponsive and seemed indifferent to my concerns. It felt like once they had my money, they were done with me.

    I strongly caution anyone considering joining the Pueblo Bonito Travel Club to thoroughly research and reconsider. The glowing reviews online did not match my experience at all. This club needs to improve its transparency and customer service if it wants to retain members and maintain its reputation.

  • María JiménezMay 28, 2024, 3:52 pm

    Vergonzosa la manera en la que venden engañando a la gente, son unos rateros estafadores, no compren nada en Pueblo Bonito y si por error compraron, no les crean nada, cancelen su membresía, no desperdicien más dinero, se los digo por experiencia.

  • Santiago IzaguirreMay 28, 2024, 3:08 pm

    No te dejan leer el contrato y para cuando lo lees te llevas una sorpresa. Ya entendí porqué, ahora que ya lo leímos los costos que te ofrecen los vendedores verbalmente no tienen ninguna relaciona con las cantidades en el contrato que firmaste, uno de buena fe confía y es estafado. Además de que nunca te explican como usar su programa de puntos y su servicio al cliente es pésimo

  • norma alicia lopez beltran Abril 11, 2024, 8:54 pm

    compramos en enero del 2023, y fuimos a Pueblo bonito ROSE en los cabos a utilizar las instalaciones como invitados, la verdad las dos veces que estuvimos en ese hotel nos trataron con mucha discriminacion , no se si porque eramos ciudadanos de mexico y le dan preferencia al turismo extranjero , y decidimos cancelar y adivinen que?? NO HEMOS PODIDO HACER NADA, y al contario nos estan hostigando con un despacho de abogados de cobranza,...

  • Elsa matilde Gallegos ruiz Abril 4, 2024, 12:21 pm

    Quise cancelar mi contraseña al siguiente día y dijeron que no se podía ya..hablé hace un mes para cancelar y me dijeron que la deuda la pasaron a otra empresa... entonces hablé para reservar y salieron con otra cosa muy diferente a la que me vendieron.. y que tengo q pagar lo doble de la deuda . X eso kiero cancelar y q me devuelvan mi dinero

  • Ronald Chamberlain Marzo 1, 2024, 11:42 am

    I would like to get out of our contract with Pueblo Bonito Resorts. We signed up while visiting them in Cabo San Lucas last fall. Since then we have found out nothing but bad things and lies our salesman told us about reserving vacations.

  • Teri Ross Enero 26, 2024, 4:46 pm

    I visited Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach on Nov. 8, 2023. My travel partner was hustled for a timeshare presentation on her ride to Cabo from the airport. We were offered a boat load of benefits, including restaurant and travel credits and decided to attend the presentation.

    The breakfast we attended was lovely, as was to be expected. To make a long story short, we were consistently told we could sign up for a timeshare for $575/week for a studio unit. When we sat down for the negotiations and paper signing, it was than we were advised that there was a $25,000 initiation fee. I literally fell off my chair. We had spent 2 hours with the very cordial sales rep before this number was ever mentioned. When we flat out refused, the price came down to $15,000. We again refused. Now our very cordial sales rep turned into a you know what. I asked him for his business card, he refused and stormed out of the room without even saying goodbye.

    As we were packing up our belongings to leave, we discovered we were now being escorted to the 2nd tier sales presentation. That presentation had a considerably different offer. Since I was now the only potentially interested party, the presentation was made to me alone. For $3,301 I could have 60 weeks of studio timeshare units (4 per year) over the next 15 years for $199 per week. I was also to be charged $599 for access to their Pueblo Bonito Gateway, for a total of $3,900. The stipulation was that units would not be reserved more than 90 days in advance. I signed up.

    And then the issues in trying to book my timeshare weeks began. Every time I tried to book a week through their timeshare reservation phone number, I was advised that through the phone number I could only book my “bonus week” at $399. I was told that the only way I could get my $199/week studio unit was through their “Gateway” website at 

    The Gateway website has a copyright date of 2021, which confirms it has been several years since it was updated. The site has a very poor user interface, is very slow and I am constantly landing on “404 - page not found” pages. 95% of the search results are for non Pueblo Bonito properties and the rates are considerably higher than the $199 per week I signed up for. When looking specifically for my home resort of Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach for a unit (re any PB resort in Mexico), there was nothing available through the end of 2004 for less than $1,000 per week.

    I reached out to my “Gateway Program Administrator” Fernando, who was my sales rep. In speaking with him, he advised me that the only way to book my $199 studio Pueblo Bonito unit was through the website. When I advised him that there were never any units available at that rate, he told me I had to check back daily as the properties are constantly releasing rooms. 

What I have discovered in reviewing my contract is that I was sold a Pueblo Bonito “Gateway” Contract and Security Agreement. For that I have access to the Pueblo Bonito travel website where I can book anything available around the globe at whatever prices are shown. What I have found are options available at primarily non Pueblo-Bonito resorts for prices ranging between $200 and $4,000 per week. My $199/week studio at a Pueblo Bonito resort is nowhere to be found.

    So, in short, I wasn’t sold a timeshare contract, but a contract that allows me access to their discount travel website for 3 years. If I want to continue to use the website to purchase discount travel per my contract, I have to pay another $599 every 3 years. There is limited, if any availability for the studio unit. 

    This is a complete scam. Pueblo Bonito pulled a bait and switch on me and what I have is access to a discount travel website that contains absolutely none of the inventory I was sold.

    Buyer beware.

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Recomendado para usted.
¿Por qué debería contratar los servicios de Mexican Timeshare Solutions?

Porque MTS trabaja en base a resultados: sin cancelación, no hay pago.

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