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QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en EL CID RESORTS

El Cid Resorts, El Cid Vacations Club, El Cid Moro, El Cid Castilla, El Cid Marina, El Cid Cozum

QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en EL CID RESORTS
Razón social
El Cid Vacation Club S.A. de C.V.
Mazatlan, Cancun, Cozumel.
Agencias de cobro
Resort Communications, Inc (RECO), San Diego CA; Textron Financial Corporation
Compañí­as de Renta
Phoenix Vacation Property Management, Platinum Exchange Services Corp.
Rui Veloso, Jesus Osuna, Benjamin Goon, Enrique Huerta, Luis Felipe Rodriguez, Olivia Avila Rojas

Quejas comunes:

  • Los vendedores ofrecen a los clientes falsas promesas de descuentos en tarifas aéreas, cruceros, alquiler de coches etc
  • Los vendedores afirman que los puntos tienen más valor de lo que realmente tienen con fines de intercambio.
  • Los clientes se envían el contrato completo en un CD a su domicilio. Ellos no reciben una copia completa para revisar y decidir si desean o no de cancelar dentro del período de rescisión cinco días permitidos por la ley mexicana.
  • Los vendedores ofrecen para revender el tiempo compartido antiguo o la entregue o intercambie para que el cliente sólo es responsable de las cuotas de mantenimiento para el nuevo tiempo compartido. Esto nunca sucede.

El Cid Resorts Mazatlán
sin costo al
01 800 716 98 00

Hotel Marina El Cid Spa & Beach Resort
Quintana Roo
sin costo al
01 800 003 62 92
011 52 (998) 872 8999

El Cid la Ceiba Hotel de Playa
llame sin costo al
01 800 670 32 77
011-52 (987) 872 08 44

Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en El Cid y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.

Deje su comentario abajo y comparta esta informacion en Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Solo de click en los botones de sus redes sociales.

leave a complaint
Lea lo que otras victimas de fraude en tiempo compartido dicen.
340 Queja(s)
  • Jhonny Marzo 8, 2013, 2:41 pm

    This is really one of the most fraudulent resorts.
    In general, the hotel is so pretty and confortable, but about timesares are abusers.
    Don't ever get a timeshare with them.

  • Sarah Marzo 1, 2013, 2:13 pm

    I would like to share with you what happened to me with my husband, we went to Mazatlan, Sinaloa to take a good holiday and people of El Cid Marina told that we would receive a breakfast, tours and others if we accompanied a talk . The next day we went and thought it would be a good choice to stand out we could rent the timeshare and recover the investment, which is not true, we could never do it, we would have a number of points to travel around the world and always find vacancies where we wanted, something that did not happen, in short, everything that we were told about the timeshare has been a real fraud, invest too, a deposit of 200,000 pesos and could not keep paying, so we approach PROFECO, truth have a department full of such complaints and we had sessions, but did not get anything.

  • Maryanne Febrero 28, 2013, 10:57 am

    Hi! I have the same problem, I think maybe timeshares could be good for families who usually travel, but for families who only travel ocassionaly aren't good. Before signing read the whole contract. And I prefer not to get timeshares any more.

  • Marie Enero 23, 2013, 5:58 am

    I have also had the same problems with El Cid and lost money because of it. I am in contact with a company who is sorting it out and helping people get their money back if anyone wants to join too? My email is [E-mail] if you want any info or want to talk about it.

  • Shanna Enero 2, 2013, 4:48 pm

    Vacationed in Mexico in March of 2012. Went to the timeshare presentation, spent over $20,000 on what we THOUGHT & were TOLD would be enough points for a 2 bedroom unit each year. Come to find out that we spent ALL this money on points that will only get us a 1 bedroom unit. Were also given a VIP certificate for additional points which would allow us enough to get a 2 bedroom unit, but each time I call to book & bring up the additional points we supposedly received, I'm given the runaround, (system down or the person that handles VIP points isn't here & will call you back...never received a call yet). SO unbelievably angry! My husband is planning on contacting the Mexican government, not sure how much that will accomplish, but we also plan on spending A LOT of time on any & all vacation blogs/websites in order to get the word out about what a total scam this place is!

  • olivia Noviembre 21, 2012, 7:28 pm

    hola yo tengo el mismo problema que andrea simon con el mismo desarrollo el hotel el cid, solo que yo di 40mil. pesos eso fue el 20 de octubre del 2012 me gustaria saber como puedo cancelar el contrato y si es posible recuperar algo de mi dinero, tambien me gustairia saber cuanto me saldrian sus honorarios muchas gracias espero su pronta respuesta porque me urge cancelar esto antes de enero que es cuando se supone que me van a empezar a descontar las mensualidades muchas gracias....

  • Izzy Octubre 16, 2012, 9:45 am

    We bought and upgraded too, thinking all the problems we've had would be resolved. didn't happen and has gotten worse. We've been jipped out of our promised points, number of bracelets, etc. Would really like to find an honest way to get our money back and get out of this thig!

  • Garland Earwood Agosto 21, 2012, 7:47 pm

    Message flagged
    Tuesday, August 21, 2012 8:40 PM
    But that was not what we thought we purchased!!! We REALLY thought we could bring our kids down to El Cid at the same time with several bracelets included. We ask you about it and talked about the rooms. We only get 2 vacations a year. We would do one with El Cid and bring our kids, but NO Now that is not included. They would have to come at a different time, what good is that?? We would not do that. Don't you see that we really thought we could bring our kids at the Same Time. Ben or El Cid will not work with us. I have tried to be nice and ask for different ways to make this work and they do NOTHING. We would not have purchased the program as you described. Never! So we have to separate ourselves from this contract since they won't try to help us do anything different. I Tried every thing I can to stay with an El Cid membership but I have no choice but to say good bye with anger and resentment. You really did seem so nice, but now all I get is " you were mistaken." I hope this never happens to any other elderly couple trying to provide a good experience for their children. I was hoping this would give our kids, grandchildren, and friends the ability to see Mexico in a wonderful way, all-inclusive and nice facilities on the beach. That dream is gone at great expense. We went back to Mazatlan in October to find out what was wrong with the first contract, that you told us is was apparently not worth anything. You told us we needed to buy more points to be worth anything.
    We went to another meeting with you and we sat at the table with several associates telling us about the yachts and golf benefits. We were given options at different levels. My wife and I talked and decided if you would buy our other time shares we would go for the 500,000 points program. You hustled around to get values on our other timeshares. Came back and offered us the 500,000 program at a high but affordable price considering the availability of the 8 bracelets with Elite privileges. We again talked about how good it would be bringing the kids, no comment was made about no bracelets included for them. You even said you would buy weeks for $2000.00 a year to pay directly to us to help this contract work. Now we thought this will work out fine. Signed the papers, asked about the 2 bracelet clause, " your kids will get Elite bracelets too." We went home very happy about our new contract and looked forward to our next trip to El Cid. For our first trip we found out that we made a very bad decision with El Cid. Our friends that joined us had to pay for the all inclusive. We feel that we were misled and were not treated honestly. We have been so angry and upset about all the money we obligated to El Cid for something that is not worth what we are paying for. I hope that this clears the confusion about what has happened with our horrible event with El Cid. We made a mistake to ever visit El Cid timeshare sales people. Garland and Ramola Earwood

  • NYV Agosto 15, 2012, 12:51 pm

    I bought an El Cid Mazatlan timeshare (Vacation Club Membership). I was told that I'd get 11 weeks/year, but I could sell back 7 weeks at $2500/week for the first three years and also that they would "buy back" the last three years of my contract, reducing the number of years of my membership from 20 to 17. This was all to ultimately lower the price. I have in writing, a page that shows the amount of money that would be given in credit back to me based on buying back the weeks and years. I've spent well over $20k so far. They also said they would buy my other timeshare from me and gave me a form to fill out for that, but they have not followed through.

  • hugo soto Agosto 7, 2012, 11:38 pm

    la verdad yo apenas llegue de vacaciones del cid, y me fue excelentemente bien tan bien que mi esposa y yo decidimos en ese momento adquirir un tiempo compartido para asegurarnos de volver cada año, nosotros solo reservamos dos noches tres días, pero como nos la pasamos tan bien nos quedamos una noche extra, y es por eso que decidimos adquirir el tiempo compartido, pero desgraciadamente en la noche extra que nos quedamos nuestra casa fue robada y se llevaron el carro, después de pasar todo una odisea ese día, recordamos el contrato que habíamos adquirido con el cid así que me puse a leer el contrato y ahí mismo decía los pasos que había que seguir para cancelación y ahí especifica lo de los cinco días hábiles después del día hábil siguiente a la firma del contrato para poder hacer la cancelación del contrato sin penalización alguna así que elaboramos la carta la firmamos mi esposa y yo y mientras yo arreglaba el regreso a nuestra ciudad mi esposa fue al cid a entregar la carta y explicar la situación, la verdad dice mi esposa que la señorita la (lidia esquivel) trato muy bien que no trato de disuadirla para no recibirle la carta al contrario la apoyo le recibió la carta y le dio copia de la carta que entregamos con su firma y fecha y una carta aparte con teléfonos de contacto, la verdad no descarto en un futuro cercano adquirirlo con ellos y con mario clemens en especial ya que nos informo bien acerca del paquete y las restricciones del mismo, asi que gente tenemos que leer los contratos antes de firmarlos tenemos que hacerlo costumbre.

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