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QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en EL CID RESORTS

El Cid Resorts, El Cid Vacations Club, El Cid Moro, El Cid Castilla, El Cid Marina, El Cid Cozum

QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en EL CID RESORTS
Razón social
El Cid Vacation Club S.A. de C.V.
Mazatlan, Cancun, Cozumel.
Agencias de cobro
Resort Communications, Inc (RECO), San Diego CA; Textron Financial Corporation
Compañí­as de Renta
Phoenix Vacation Property Management, Platinum Exchange Services Corp.
Rui Veloso, Jesus Osuna, Benjamin Goon, Enrique Huerta, Luis Felipe Rodriguez, Olivia Avila Rojas

Quejas comunes:

  • Los vendedores ofrecen a los clientes falsas promesas de descuentos en tarifas aéreas, cruceros, alquiler de coches etc
  • Los vendedores afirman que los puntos tienen más valor de lo que realmente tienen con fines de intercambio.
  • Los clientes se envían el contrato completo en un CD a su domicilio. Ellos no reciben una copia completa para revisar y decidir si desean o no de cancelar dentro del período de rescisión cinco días permitidos por la ley mexicana.
  • Los vendedores ofrecen para revender el tiempo compartido antiguo o la entregue o intercambie para que el cliente sólo es responsable de las cuotas de mantenimiento para el nuevo tiempo compartido. Esto nunca sucede.

El Cid Resorts Mazatlán
sin costo al
01 800 716 98 00

Hotel Marina El Cid Spa & Beach Resort
Quintana Roo
sin costo al
01 800 003 62 92
011 52 (998) 872 8999

El Cid la Ceiba Hotel de Playa
llame sin costo al
01 800 670 32 77
011-52 (987) 872 08 44

Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en El Cid y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.

Deje su comentario abajo y comparta esta informacion en Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Solo de click en los botones de sus redes sociales.

leave a complaint
Lea lo que otras victimas de fraude en tiempo compartido dicen.
340 Queja(s)
  • Delvin Abril 12, 2012, 10:11 am

    Looks like we got caught in an El Cid vacations Club scam, I guess now that the trade-in of my previous timeshare and rent of next year's El Cid is all fraudulent, signed documents notwithstanding. I haven't paid my credit card bill, it's not due yet, is there any reason to believe that we can dispute the charge?

  • Ruth Abril 12, 2012, 10:11 am

    We bought a timeshare in Mazalan, Mexico from El Cid. They completely mis represented the benefits. I have tried numoureoius times to cancel and they will not get back with me.

  • Anwar Esteban Abril 12, 2012, 10:11 am

    Deseo cancelar un contrato con El cid Mazatlan, Sinaloa. lo compré en Enero 2010. pagué un enganche de 60 mil pesos.Y ya no quiero seguir con el contrato por que tienen muy mala reputación. ya me estan cobrando la mensualidad de mantenimiento y no he utilizado ninguna semana, ni tampoco la semana de vacaciones de regalo.

  • Ricard Abril 12, 2012, 10:11 am

    Timeshare was purchased from El Cid on Feb. 20, 2011 for 35,000.00. Already paid over 15,000,00 on my mastercard.They supposedly have a buyer for my Velas Vallarta membership . So far they have had me pay transfer fees of $6270.00 USD to a bank in Mexico and now have come up with the need for me to pay $8,545.00 USD in an IVA tax. Are these legitimate or am I being scammed?

  • Daniel Abril 12, 2012, 10:11 am

    Need help getting a timeshare contract cancelled from El Cid purchased in October 2005 and paid only one year of maintainance fees. Now a collection company has notified me of a balance due. Can I get this debt cleared and the contract cancelled? thanks.

  • Bonnie Abril 12, 2012, 10:11 am

    I recently purchased a time share at El cid in cozumel and was promised that they would purchase my old  timeshare  for $30k. I have credit card debt of $27,800 and owe 15,00 more.They promised an electronic transfer when they recieved my swift code and copy of my other contract .I have problems contacting them  . I am a 75 yr old widow with a fixed income and I think I am being scammed.

  • Kerry Lin Abril 12, 2012, 10:11 am

    Bought a timeshare last year in Mazatlan, el cid, came back to visit this year and realized it was a bad decision. Sale was lots of double talk and promises that weren't fulfilled. What can I do? Can I just stop paying the financing? Can I recover any portion of my money?

  • Aaron Gold Abril 12, 2012, 10:11 am

    I am one of many victims of timeshare scam in Cancun. I have a paid in full time share in cancun, purchased  with the promise they  would sell my Mayan Palace weeks.I cannot afford the maintenance fees any longer since I retired and would like to get out of the timeshare.

  • Margaret Abril 12, 2012, 10:11 am

    We were conned into buying a timeshare at El cid.We had asked for cancellation and been givin the run around by a Rep who said they were sending us our refund back we have nor recived anything from them also recived a phone call from Spanish solutions he said he works in collections .When we were on holdays in mexico we were told by the salesperson that we would get half price all inclusive rates we found were not true he said he was going to make a ph call and book us a hotel at the westin in edmonton fopr grey cup week for 25.00 per night grey cup is like the super bowl in the usa it is a big event when we returned home I phoned the hotel no reservation was ever made and the rooms were over 300.00 per night thats when we cantacted them requesting a full refund of the money we put down on the package.We were lied to and have demanded our money back.

  • Neal Abril 12, 2012, 10:11 am

    We received an email from a lady from "Resort Development Consultants" who said they would like to purchase our points/contract and that if we "didn't like the offer, then we could counter"! I have never heard someone offer to counter their proposal so I automatically had a sick feeling in my stomach and started checking it out online. After reading all these testimonials, I am starting to get sick again because I realized that I've been duped by El Cid. Everything seemed official and normally I am so skeptical, but when I was on vacation, I guess I let my guard down and handed them a fistful of money! I feel stupid!

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