QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en SUNSET GROUP
Sunset Fisherman, Sunset Lagoon, Sunset Yacht Club, Hacienda Tres Rios, Sunset World

- Razón social
- Royal Fisherman's SA de CV, Promotora Sunset Beach Clubs, S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Cancún
- Agencias de cobro
- Compañías de Renta
- Resorts International Marketing Corp.
- Representantes
- Adolfo Barreiro Ramirez, Ricardo Figveroa, Marco Olivera, Cynthia Vega, Rodrigo Gallardo, Lissette Carrillo, Adriana Lecuona
Quejas comunes de una membresia o tiempo compartido en Sunset:
- El vendedor promete volver a comprar el tiempo compartido a un mejor precio si el cliente decide que ya no quiere usarlo.
- El vendedor promete al socio que con su membresia de Sunset Group/Sunset World puede alquilar sus semanas por más de 4 veces el precio de la cuota de mantenimiento. Pueden optar por usar algunas semanas y alquilar otras para tener vacaciones gratis, o alquilarlas todas para poder pagar su membresía más rápido. Los clientes son remitidos a una empresa de alquiler que les cobra una tarifa de cotización para comercializar la propiedad y no alquila ninguna semana.
- En la presentación afirman que el todo incluido es solo para semanas corporativas, y para semanas regulares pueden elegir si pagar o no el todo incluido. En realidad, todo incluido es obligatorio para el uso en todas sus ubicaciones en Cancún.
Servicio al cliente
USA & Canada: 1-866-377-4890
Mexico: 01-800-262-9648
Solo Miembros
USA & Canada: 1-800-961-5089
Mexico: 01-800-262-9648
No miembros
USA & Canada: 1 800 494 9173
Mexico: 01 800 262 9268
USA & Canada: 1-800-906-4396
Mexico: 01-800-262-8964
I own sunset timeshare since 2003, Paid in full, Maint fe's has raised to $1,300 a year. I have not paid and efuse to pay the these fee's, I own 3 yers and want to get out!.
We purchased our timeshare in October, 15, 2009 and we tried to cancel two days after we purchased, not because we felt scammed at this point, but we had thought it over and decided that we couldn't really afford it and that it wasn't in line with our vacation goals. Between a bit too much to drink and a long day and being excited, we had signed on. When we tried to cancel, we were told we had waived our right to cancel because we accepted the special price they had given us. By the time we returned to USA, we were out of our five days and I hadn't found info on Profeco, just some bad reviews about Sunset, but then I also found some good reviews, so we decided to make the best of it and hold out for one year until they would buy it back. I didn't think we were outright scammed until recently, when we were looking at our option to sell back to the resort after one year and noticed that it doesn't state they have to buy it back from us.
The sales presentation instead of 2 hours took 5 hours or untill you cave in and purchase. Also on the membership purchase agreement on page 6 % 6 there is no signature for Promotora Sunset Beach Clubs S.A. DE C.V.. 4 signatures required but there is only 3. Making the contract non binding. Credit are theft on credit card to be used for monthly payments. The bank close the account because some one from Sunset tried to use it to make purchases. They are always trying to add extra charges that are not in the contract.
My wife and I were duped into buying a timeshare during our trip to Mexico. The sales guy at sunset told us that the timeshare was exchangeable anywhere in the world. This turned out to be a lie, as it was only good at their resort. When I tried to get our money back, they flatly refused. After nearly a year of countless emails and phone calls, they finally offered to give us a timeshare taken in on trade from Club Regina Cancún (Raintree Vacation Club). We didn't want another timeshare at that point, but since this one was exchangeable and it was the only option we had, we grudgingly accepted. We have never once stayed in our home resort, and have found that exchanging requires planning your vacation at least a year in advance. Even then, it's nearly impossible to get the resort you want. All the while, our maintenance fees have continued to climb through the roof, and then Raintree has the audacity to charge a "special assessment" this past year. We asked if we could give our week back, but of course they said that wasn't possible.
We juts returned from Cancun and last week we purchased a Sunset timeshare. We advised them 3 days later we wanted to cancel and they said we could not as our kids had moved into the Sunset Royal hotel and as such we had gained a benefit this was not mentioned verbally nor is it in the contract. wE paid $20,000 deposit and have $15,000K financed for 30 months.
I have signed a time share contract with Sunset group . Verbal promises given in the presentation, especially regarding resale value of the time share does not reflect on the contract language. During presentation Sunset group promised to buy back the timeshare when I need to sell it. However, this is does not reflect in the contract. Moreover, I was discussing deeded time share and the contract provided Right to Use service which does not have any resale value. The contract is full of loopholes which will make it void with careful legal review. Sunset did not provide any statement on the contract refering to cool off period or how to get out of the contract if you wanted. I tried to hand them the letter of rescinding by hand but they decline telling me they only do selling.
Tengo 2 tiempos compartidos, primero compre uno en Sunset lagoon Cancun y despues en Villas del Palmar en Puerto Vallarta, con las mismas quejas que todos tienen, nos prometieron en Puerto Vallarta que venderian nuestro tiempo compartido (Sunset) nos contactaron en ese momento con otra empresa y nos pusimos de acuerdo, quienes nos cobraron 699 dólares y nos garantizaron vender el tiempo compartido de Sunset en no mas de 3 meses, tenemos mas de 3 años y seguimos en espera.
We purchased a "Platinum" two-bedroom timeshare, 1 week regular and 2 VIP weeks. We spent $25,000 and felt that if we used it once a year for ten years that we will have recouped our investment. We have in fact used it almost every year. You MUST call one year in advance in order to reserve at high times. We have only tried to trade for another location once and that was not a good experience. So the VIP weeks are basically useless.
HOWEVER, we are now experiencing our first problem. We had to cancel three studios we had reserved for CHristmas week. We were to receive a refund of $1048.00 for this cancellation. That was three months ago. They keep telling me my credit card won't allow the refund. After four calls back and forth today, I am waiting to hear back from them, following a conference call with my credit card company and them. They must have major cash flow problems is all we can figure....very sad. We have really enjoyed Fisherman's Village. Our question is....what happens if we just quit paying our maintenance fees in the future, particularly since they have not refunded for cancellations. Can they really come after your credit rating?
manage at my credit card company and "Lisset" in the Sunset business office.
Purchased time share at Sunset Lagoon.Never told we had recesion rights-5 days and felt we were missled. purchased last November 2010 near end of month. Deposited 25,000 down. Feel we were mislead and am looking for assistance.
I have a timeshare since 2000 through Sunset Group in Cancun - I tried to cancel right after I got back but to no avail because no one would call me back...so I got bullied into paying it which was over priced - they said they would buy it back.I have never used it and they keep wanting maintenance fees which I paid for a while but now I can't.
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