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QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en SUNSET GROUP

Sunset Fisherman, Sunset Lagoon, Sunset Yacht Club, Hacienda Tres Rios, Sunset World

QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en SUNSET GROUP
Razón social
Royal Fisherman's SA de CV, Promotora Sunset Beach Clubs, S.A. de C.V.
Agencias de cobro
Compañí­as de Renta
Resorts International Marketing Corp.
Adolfo Barreiro Ramirez, Ricardo Figveroa, Marco Olivera, Cynthia Vega, Rodrigo Gallardo, Lissette Carrillo, Adriana Lecuona

Quejas comunes de una membresia o tiempo compartido en Sunset:

  • El vendedor promete volver a comprar el tiempo compartido a un mejor precio si el cliente decide que ya no quiere usarlo.

  • El vendedor promete al socio que con su membresia de Sunset Group/Sunset World puede alquilar sus semanas por más de 4 veces el precio de la cuota de mantenimiento. Pueden optar por usar algunas semanas y alquilar otras para tener vacaciones gratis, o alquilarlas todas para poder pagar su membresía más rápido. Los clientes son remitidos a una empresa de alquiler que les cobra una tarifa de cotización para comercializar la propiedad y no alquila ninguna semana.

  • En la presentación afirman que el todo incluido es solo para semanas corporativas, y para semanas regulares pueden elegir si pagar o no el todo incluido. En realidad, todo incluido es obligatorio para el uso en todas sus ubicaciones en Cancún.

Servicio al cliente
USA & Canada: 1-866-377-4890
Mexico: 01-800-262-9648

Solo Miembros
USA & Canada: 1-800-961-5089
Mexico: 01-800-262-9648
No miembros
USA & Canada: 1 800 494 9173
Mexico: 01 800 262 9268

USA & Canada: 1-800-906-4396
Mexico: 01-800-262-8964

Para recibir más información sobre un tiempo compartido en Sunset Group/Sunset World, sus quejas y cómo cancelarlo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467.

Deje su comentario abajo y comparta esta informacion en Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Solo de click en los botones de sus redes sociales.

leave a complaint
Lea lo que otras victimas de fraude en tiempo compartido dicen.
273 Queja(s)
  • Ron Octubre 11, 2010, 4:50 pm

    My wife and I felt pressured by Sunset Lagoon and we purchased a membership. When we got back to the hotel, we were smart and read the whole contract and didn’t like what we saw. We went back the next day in order to cancel the membership. They tried to deny us the right to cancel our membership, saying it was non-refundable, but we wouldn’t leave until they cancelled our membership.

  • Patty Octubre 8, 2010, 5:09 pm

    I bought a membership at sunset. We Agreed that it would be an investment and they would get $34,000 after 5 year from rentals. We signed and agreement and they never rented. We never used it. We wrote to the resort and they wouldn’t cancelwe filed a compliant with profeco but they  wasn`t able to help us

  • James Octubre 6, 2010, 4:28 pm

    On November of 2008 we attended to a timeshare presentation. Once we were there I let know to the sales representative that I was having a hard time in my life since I was getting divorce, the salesperson provided me a BOTLE of champaign. I got intoxicated, where I came from if you sign a contract being intoxicated the contract can be consider as null and void. Unfortunately they took advantage of myself and they drove into this fraudulent contract.

  • José Manuel Octubre 4, 2010, 4:56 pm

    En abril de este año firmamos un contrato con Sunset Laggon  para comprar una membresia por $17,000 dólares americanos, se suponía que ellos iban a tomar nuestro otro tiempo compartido  compartido con real club  como parte del pago,  nos manejaron tratos inexistente porque ahora no lo quieren respetar , la escusa que usan es que el vendedor los hizo por su lado y ellos no pueden hacerse responsables por algo que el vendedor invento.

  • Teresa García López Septiembre 28, 2010, 6:05 pm

    tengo tiempo compartido en el sunset beach clubs royal en Cancún, desde el mes de octubre del 2006,todavía no termino de pagar, voy en el pago 44 de 60, pero he visto que se me han cargado 8 dolares mensuales que no estaban contemplados y además algunas clausulas de contrato no están bien definidas,  mi pregunta es ¿podré vender o cancelar y obtener lo que he invertido? en el contrato dice que solamente puedo vender mi tiempo compartido hasta que esté liquidado y que la primera opción de compra sera la empresa que me lo vendió.

  • Bruce Julio 16, 2010, 5:19 pm

    I would like to be contacted as I am interested in cancelling a contract with Sunset Fisherman and possibly file a law suit against this company. Think you could help?
    Thank you.

  • Keith Julio 9, 2010, 4:47 pm

    In February of 2002 my husband and I were scammed into a timeshare in Cancun. The Salesman at Sunset Lagoon told us, like many others, that they would buy back any unused weeks and the whole timeshare if we ever desired. We bought a biennial, two bedroom for 12,695. We used one of the 'corporate' weeks that we were given at the time of purchase, about 7 months later. We have never used any of the actual timeshare weeks. We paid our first maintenance and then tried to sell back our week because we couldn't use it. We were then told that we had to sell the week through a company called Vacation Weeks. Vacation Weeks required a $400 upfront fee, which we paid, assuming our week would sell. Our week never sold. Realizing that our weeks wouldn't sell and that we'd rarely if ever be able to use the timeshare, we then listed the whole timeshare. Even after many price reductions, we never heard from Vacation Weeks. This is obviously another scam. We finally decided to just let our membership lapse by not paying the maintenance fees. Now we have received a notice from a collection agency saying that we owe $3,584.50. All we want to do is get this stupid thing cancelled and be done with it.

  • Daniel Julio 1, 2010, 9:39 am

    Back in 2000, we purchased a time share with Promotora Sunset Beach Club SA. The main purpose was for the benefit of my wife´s children to have a place to vacation - unfortunately they can't use it. So, since 2000 we have not used this resort. We have not paid any maintenance fees for 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. I have now been contacted by Meridian Financial Services, Inc. An offer was sent by Meridian Financial to Sunset to make a payment of $2784.51 and to release us from this contract as a non-use settlement. It was rejected by Sunset and we were given 10 days to pay $6577. with no release from the contract. Now they want the full amount of $8454.31 for past fees and penalties. We are both over 65 years old and are trying to get our finances in order for when we can retire. We cannot afford to pay these fees and cannot use the timeshare. I can´t understand why if they have received over $23,000 they are asking for more when we are ready to let this money go without a fight. based on this, I don´t think WE WILL NEVER VISIT MEXICO AGAIN.

  • Rebeca Junio 22, 2010, 11:14 am

    Buenas tardes, compré un tiempo compartido aproximadamente en el 2008 y ha sido una completa estafa, no me han respetado los precios, ademas de que me han dado mal trato. Cada vez que vamos, tenemos que ir a la presentacion de ventas y cuando les digo que no voy a comprar más semanas a causa de las promesas inclumplidas, se enojan. Que puedo hacer? fue en el sunset laggoon en cancún...Mil gracias

  • Sheri Junio 14, 2010, 2:43 pm

    I purchased 2 Timeshares in Mexico, one at the Play Del Sol Grand in Nuevo Vallarta & the other was the Tres Rios in Tulum Mexico through the Sunset Group. both times I was mislead with promises of rental income and the resales of my previous memberships. Tres Rios is sending me to collections  if I don´t pay them $9.000 incluiding interest for the payments I am already behind. I was told they could take my pension if I don´t pay. Is this true?

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