QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en SUNSET GROUP
Sunset Fisherman, Sunset Lagoon, Sunset Yacht Club, Hacienda Tres Rios, Sunset World

- Razón social
- Royal Fisherman's SA de CV, Promotora Sunset Beach Clubs, S.A. de C.V.
- Localización
- Cancún
- Agencias de cobro
- Compañías de Renta
- Resorts International Marketing Corp.
- Representantes
- Adolfo Barreiro Ramirez, Ricardo Figveroa, Marco Olivera, Cynthia Vega, Rodrigo Gallardo, Lissette Carrillo, Adriana Lecuona
Quejas comunes de una membresia o tiempo compartido en Sunset:
- El vendedor promete volver a comprar el tiempo compartido a un mejor precio si el cliente decide que ya no quiere usarlo.
- El vendedor promete al socio que con su membresia de Sunset Group/Sunset World puede alquilar sus semanas por más de 4 veces el precio de la cuota de mantenimiento. Pueden optar por usar algunas semanas y alquilar otras para tener vacaciones gratis, o alquilarlas todas para poder pagar su membresía más rápido. Los clientes son remitidos a una empresa de alquiler que les cobra una tarifa de cotización para comercializar la propiedad y no alquila ninguna semana.
- En la presentación afirman que el todo incluido es solo para semanas corporativas, y para semanas regulares pueden elegir si pagar o no el todo incluido. En realidad, todo incluido es obligatorio para el uso en todas sus ubicaciones en Cancún.
Servicio al cliente
USA & Canada: 1-866-377-4890
Mexico: 01-800-262-9648
Solo Miembros
USA & Canada: 1-800-961-5089
Mexico: 01-800-262-9648
No miembros
USA & Canada: 1 800 494 9173
Mexico: 01 800 262 9268
USA & Canada: 1-800-906-4396
Mexico: 01-800-262-8964
I would like a consult I already leave a message over the phone and nothing happen thanks
Una pesadilla de la cual quisiera despertar ! no es posible que hayamos pagado muchisimo dinero por una membresia que no podemos usar ! puras mentiras nos dijeron , nos engañaron totalmente, ayuda !
I got scammed by Carlos. It happened last year and I was 26 years old. I asked him "Can I rent my weeks yearly guaranteed?" and of course he said "YES! Guaranteed, we can rent it out if you will not use them". He also did not tell me about the maintenance fees. I signed the contract and the rest is history. It was unfortunate that I took his word. He is a Filipino and I am as well and I trusted his words. Lesson? Never engage in a transaction base on words. Consult an expert before making a final decision. A very costly lesson indeed.
Dont waste your money with sunset group , those people the only thing that they know to do is scam people , dont trust if they tell you that is gonna be the investment of your life or stuff like that , if you have one quit as soon as posible, good luck.
adquirí un contrato de tiempo compartido con sunset en cancun el día 15 de enero y como hago para cancelarlo soy de Panama
I bought 2010, after i signed contract with them, in 24 hours i decide to cancel it, but they give us a hardtime, they said after you signed, it mean done, i told them in American any contract signed, we have the right to cancel the contract in 3 days, he told me too bad it Meixco not american, and i told him ok i will call my credit card company fraud charge, then he said my Florida office will take you to the Court. the manager give us some writing said guaranteed will buy back same price or more after one year. 3 years ago i call in to sell them back, but they said we don't buy back now, because we still have a lot didn't sell it. I bought 6 years already never go back there, recently i want go for one week with double suit room, but i have to change my time, the repesenttive Mr. Francis Gomez told me they only can give me a samller room, so i ask i bought timeshare with VIP package, that how you take your VIP, he hange up my phone,
so i call back another guy told me he is in the meeting now. Any Way this company all liers, and customer service very bad, never trasfer to their superviser. I hope we can go together suit this company.
The sunset group are such a scam, they give us a tour while serving us alcohol, they made it sound such good deal, never told us that after signing only had 5 days to cancel, we trusted them, we though to read everything after our holidays, but it was to late, when we got home we call, they said we were a 2 days late, they bully and force us to pay full price $47,000.00 USD. For a timeshare that we don't use, this was 6 years ago, of course they told us they will buy back same or better price or will rented out for us, but guess what they are a bunch of liers, scammers, thieves, that pry on innocent people. We don't think we will never get our money back, but they keep bulling us to keep paying for maintaining fees, we don't want nothing to do with this place anymore, we can't afford to keep wasting our money like this, we having asking them to take it back they say they can't, if we don't pay they trait to take us to collection, what kind of people is this, they scam over $55,000 USD already, we live in Canada, if anybody can help us please to get out of this bad situation, we will be so appreciate
Muy mal estas personas, solo abusan de la confianza de las personas para vender algo que ni siquiera es verdad, no recomiendo jamas pararse por este resort, es una lastima que teniendo ciudades tan bellas se aprovechen asi de esta forma, quiero mi dinero de vuelta,
el numero telefonico 3314625467 de que ciudad es?
he llamado y me dicen que el numero no existe, no esta disponible o fuera de area .
es telefonia fija o movil?
Tricky cloacks, dont buy with this resort, they only want to sell you something that "doesnt exist" , i mean , i bought months ago a timeshare with this guys but i dont receive ANYTHING about what they promised before.. so take your precautions when you get near this resort.
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