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How to get rid of my Pueblo Bonito timeshare?

Bought a timeshare on April 7 at Pueblo Bonito Sunset Resort. Told there was no rescission and many other fraudulent claims. Don't care how we get out just don't want to own a timeshare with this deceitful company.

Por: James | Octubre 9, 2012, 12:44 pm
1 Respuestas
  • Roberto Guzmán May 8, 2018, 1:59 pm

    This company always argue that they have not their contract registered at the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (¨PROFECO) and that's why they are not forced to follow what the Articles of the Law say so the best way to get a contract cancelled is following a Legal process so in order to do so, it will be recommendable to get legal assistance in Mexico and hire an attorney

¿Por qué debería contratar los servicios de Mexican Timeshare Solutions?

Porque MTS trabaja en base a resultados: sin cancelación, no hay pago.

Contáctenos ahora: 334-162-5467