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What happens if you just stop paying?

Does anyone have any experience of quitting a timeshare? Just up and stop paying any more annual fees? I own at Sheraton's Vistana Resort near Disney World, and I cannot sell or give my timeshare away.( I've tried, many times, to give it away.) I don't want it, don't need it, and they don't care. It's all paid for. They are hounding me now every month, adding late fees, lockout charges.

Por: Ruben | Diciembre 27, 2012, 12:28 pm
1 Respuestas
  • Carlos Ramirez Febrero 27, 2018, 4:48 pm

    If you stop paying your timeshare, your are looking most likely to get your credit score affected, you need to properly cancel you contract to avoid any legal problems in the future.

    Answer SourcePersonal Knowledge
¿Por qué debería contratar los servicios de Mexican Timeshare Solutions?

Porque MTS trabaja en base a resultados: sin cancelación, no hay pago.

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