Inicio » Lista Negra de Hoteles » QUEJAS de Tiempo Compartido en ROYAL HOLIDAY / PARK ROYAL


Royal Holiday Timeshare, Royal Holiday Tiempo Compartido, Park Royal Beach Ixtapa Tiempo Compartido, Park Royal Beach Mazatlán Tiempo Compartido, Royal Holiday Vacation Club,Royal Holiday Club Vacacional, Grand Park Tiempo Compartido, Royal Holiday Travel Tiempo Compartido, Park Royal Beach Huatulco, Park Royal Homestay Los Cabos tiempo compartido, Grand Park Royal Puerto Vallarta tiempo compartido

Razón social
Royal Experience SA de CV.
Acapulco, Cancun, Cozumel, Cuernavaca, Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Riviera Maya, San J
Agencias de cobro
Concord Servicing Corporation, Phoenix & Scottsdale, AZ
Compañí­as de Renta
International Leisure Group, Royal Holiday International Marketing.
Ryan Grover, Octavio Favela, Steve McPhee, Nancy D'Argence, Richard Noto, Alba Cuervo

Quejas Comunes en Park Royal Tiempo compartido y Royal Holiday:

  • Falsas Promesas en Descuentos para Boletos de Avion, cruceros, transporte y entretemiento, etc.
  •  Estafas en Royal Holiday por parte de los vendedores que muestran a los clientes un libro de propiedades disponibles durante su presentación de ventas, diciéndoles que le ofrece mejores opciones para el uso de sus puntos. Cuando el libro verdadero le llega al cliente en el correo, se dan cuenta que el valor del punto que compró no tiene en cuenta el número de semanas o calidad de los hoteles que se les prometió por el vendedor.
  • A los clientes les dicen que no tienen un derecho de rescisión de cinco días por su membresia en Royal Holiday, ni en PROFECO.
  • La Cuota de mantenimiento aumenta en una cantidad exorbitante.
  • Fraude en Royal Holiday por parte de trabajadores 
  • Quejas sobre la falta de disponibilidad, no importa con cuanto tiempo de anticipación el cliente llame, y la baja calidad de los centros turísticos
  • Terrible servicio al cliente.

Royal Holiday Teléfono

Si desea saber cómo cancelar un tiempo compartido con Royal Holiday o Park Royal, le recomendamos, leer cuidadosamente su contrato y comprobar si hay una clausula sobre periodo de rescisión. Para saber cómo proceder y lograr la cancelación de tiempo compartido te explicamos a detalle en nuestro artículo 7 pasos para rescindir con éxito un tiempo compartido.

Para recibir más información sobre cómo cancelar una membresia de tiempo compartido (club vacacional) con Royal Holiday / Park Royal, contáctenos en este momento en el chat en vivo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467, ofrecemos una consulta gratuita con un especialista y podemos ayudarle.

Opiniones sobre Royal Holiday Vacation Club 

A continuación, podras leer las opiniones de personas sobre Royal Holiday Vacation Club.  Este es un foro abierto para que los propietarios de un tiempo compartido con Royal Holiday Vacation Club compartan sus experiencias y opinion sobre su membresía vacacional. El personal de Mexican Timeshare Solutions no tiene ninguna influencia en los comentarios y opiniones publicados sobre Royal Holiday Vacation Club. Siéntase libre de publicar su opinión sobre su membresía en Royal Holiday

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Lea lo que otras victimas de fraude en tiempo compartido dicen.
574 Queja(s)
  • Harry Agosto 5, 2013, 8:52 am

    Do not be fooled, do not do scammers richer, seek legal means to find their money back.

  • Oscar Agosto 5, 2013, 8:48 am

    It's good for people to expose these cases to avoid that in the future more people keep falling into the hands of robbers. You know who have millions? ... the owner of Royal Holiday, cheating and exploiting.

  • Becca Agosto 5, 2013, 8:44 am

    Royal Holiday. Making numbers, comes out better and cheaper to travel on your own, never have availability but yes to collect the annuity are super punctual.

  • Rick Agosto 5, 2013, 8:42 am

    Royal Holiday's problem is that marketers are trained to sell you a holiday program with incredible mega sales techniques full of important omissions

  • Victor Agosto 5, 2013, 8:28 am

    Royal Holiday, are liars, they promise you hundreds of five-star hotels around the world, and when you wants to book a room, you have to pay thousands of dollars but at the end nothing is true and these hotels do not exist.

  • Jim Agosto 5, 2013, 8:23 am

    This company is the most crooked company I have ever dealt with. If you ever go to Puerto Vallarta, stay away from the Los Tules resort where you will find the following people doing business under the name of Royal Holiday.

  • Frank Julio 27, 2013, 9:17 am

    I was scammed--deceived, defrauded and duped--at the Wyndham Nassau Resort in New Providence, Nassau, in March 2011. I want to express my extreme frustration with Royal Holiday Club's predatory sales practices. Since I was hoodwinked into signing a contract with this unethical company, I have been obliged to pay $220 per month and an annual fee in excess of $1, 000. In exchange I have received NO net benefits--I would have saved thousands and thousands of dollars by making travel arrangements myself for the one resort trip I did manage to work out with Royal Holiday Club. Including the inittial credit card payment of $15, 000, over the past two years I have been obliged to pay them a total of $20, 300.

  • Sarah Julio 27, 2013, 9:15 am

    We were told that we will be saving on airfare because they had their own Travel Agency, well not only they don’t have a Travel Agency, the Agency they suggested is just a “one more on the list” agency, that gave us pricing for airfare more expensive than what I got quoted from Travelocity. “What a joke!!!”. Also if I price our trip to Royal Holiday Cozumel, with the cost of all inclusive (and we are not big eaters or drinkers) it will cost us an outrageous amount just to try to use our credits going there, compare to a regular vacation with any other hotel.
    We just don’t see any advantage of having a contract with RHC, and we travel at least 3 times a year, but you would have to plan your trip with what 3 or 4 years in advance and order to be lucky and get what you want.
    I know their business is to get people rip off, but it is so un-human what they are doing, it makes me so angry the fact that there is NOONE you can’t talk to, they don’t care if you are starving, or about to loose your house, nothing, the only thing that matters is to get the maintenance fee paid off and that’s it. I guess the only way out is to suffer for 7 year with a bad credit record punish for a bad decision!!!

  • Janie Julio 27, 2013, 9:13 am

    I'm in the process of calling the BBB and PROFECO and seeing what they can do. Possibly the attorney General also!! They're a big scammers! Can you help me?

  • Marck Julio 27, 2013, 9:12 am

    My wife & i bought into a Royal Elite Timeshare in Playa del Carmen. We stayed in sandos caracol resort & signed contract for royal elite. we've found out in the last few months that availiablity of resorts that we require are very limited (sales person shown us extensive range of hotels). flight deals are no better than booking myself. we enquired to stay lanzarote sandos dec 2012 the ai rate is in total $1900 for the week. i feel that this is going to be costly in the long run, not the ideal deal that was sold to us.

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