Royal Holiday Timeshare, Royal Holiday Tiempo Compartido, Park Royal Beach Ixtapa Tiempo Compartido, Park Royal Beach Mazatlán Tiempo Compartido, Royal Holiday Vacation Club,Royal Holiday Club Vacacional, Grand Park Tiempo Compartido, Royal Holiday Travel Tiempo Compartido, Park Royal Beach Huatulco, Park Royal Homestay Los Cabos tiempo compartido, Grand Park Royal Puerto Vallarta tiempo compartido

- Razón social
- Royal Experience SA de CV.
- Localización
- Acapulco, Cancun, Cozumel, Cuernavaca, Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Riviera Maya, San J
- Agencias de cobro
- Concord Servicing Corporation, Phoenix & Scottsdale, AZ
- Compañías de Renta
- International Leisure Group, Royal Holiday International Marketing.
- Representantes
- Ryan Grover, Octavio Favela, Steve McPhee, Nancy D'Argence, Richard Noto, Alba Cuervo
Quejas Comunes en Park Royal Tiempo compartido y Royal Holiday:
- Falsas Promesas en Descuentos para Boletos de Avion, cruceros, transporte y entretemiento, etc.
- Estafas en Royal Holiday por parte de los vendedores que muestran a los clientes un libro de propiedades disponibles durante su presentación de ventas, diciéndoles que le ofrece mejores opciones para el uso de sus puntos. Cuando el libro verdadero le llega al cliente en el correo, se dan cuenta que el valor del punto que compró no tiene en cuenta el número de semanas o calidad de los hoteles que se les prometió por el vendedor.
- A los clientes les dicen que no tienen un derecho de rescisión de cinco días por su membresia en Royal Holiday, ni en PROFECO.
- La Cuota de mantenimiento aumenta en una cantidad exorbitante.
- Fraude en Royal Holiday por parte de trabajadores
- Quejas sobre la falta de disponibilidad, no importa con cuanto tiempo de anticipación el cliente llame, y la baja calidad de los centros turísticos
- Terrible servicio al cliente.
Royal Holiday Teléfono
Si desea saber cómo cancelar un tiempo compartido con Royal Holiday o Park Royal, le recomendamos, leer cuidadosamente su contrato y comprobar si hay una clausula sobre periodo de rescisión. Para saber cómo proceder y lograr la cancelación de tiempo compartido te explicamos a detalle en nuestro artículo 7 pasos para rescindir con éxito un tiempo compartido.
Para recibir más información sobre cómo cancelar una membresia de tiempo compartido (club vacacional) con Royal Holiday / Park Royal, contáctenos en este momento en el chat en vivo, envíe un whatsApp al +52 333 239 6589, rellene el formulario en la sección de contacto o llámenos al +52 334 162 5467, ofrecemos una consulta gratuita con un especialista y podemos ayudarle.
Opiniones sobre Royal Holiday Vacation Club
A continuación, podras leer las opiniones de personas sobre Royal Holiday Vacation Club. Este es un foro abierto para que los propietarios de un tiempo compartido con Royal Holiday Vacation Club compartan sus experiencias y opinion sobre su membresía vacacional. El personal de Mexican Timeshare Solutions no tiene ninguna influencia en los comentarios y opiniones publicados sobre Royal Holiday Vacation Club. Siéntase libre de publicar su opinión sobre su membresía en Royal Holiday
¿Membresia Royal Holiday vale la pena?
Si conoce a alguien que este pesando en comprar una membresia con Park Royal/Royal Holiday compartale está infomación para que esté al tanto de todas estas opiniones y quejas y pueda tomar la decisión de si realmente conviene la membresía de Park Royal/Royal Holiday
I purchased a timeshare through Royal Holidays and was promised 4 weeks free in Mexico each year. when I tried to book for my free time I was told that it would cost me a service charge of $63.00 per night per person which is no deal at all. This company used my credit card and my sisters credit card to the tune of about $800.00 in one month and could not find where the money went. when I asked for statement of account they gave me the run around. I didn't here from them for a number of months and now they are starting to harass me again wanting my credit card number. they say this is the only way they can except payment on my account. As you can see I am relunctant to give them my number because of what happened the last time. I just want out of this scam How do I do that.
Feed Up
Karen kendrid-Jones
Bought Royal Holiday timeshare in Cancun 2008. The hotels are never available the dates you want them and they said the AI was $60pppn for an armband even though you are using your points to go there. The maintenance fee has gone up each year even though the timeshare is paid in full now. I was told it was willable to any family members as it was a lifetime membership?? I feel quite depressed now after reading all these complaints, surely there is a way to get some if not all of your money back??
These scams are out there and the people behind them certainly don't care about you financially or other. There needs to be something done to prevent this from continuing with other vacationers.
I signed up a timeshare contract with Royal Holiday in Mexico a few years ago. I paid $12,000 down payment but I changed my mind as I heard alot of many things about this timeshare. So i didn't pay the remaining payments but they put it onto my credit report even though I have not used any of the timeshare services. I want to get out of it and i also want it out of my credit report. Please advise if this is feasible and what do we need to do.
We paid the entire fee upfront only to get the information book afterwards and realize we had been lied to over and over in the presentation. As soon as we were home from our vacation (I believe 3 days) I started to correspond with them. I have saved all of my emails and dates of phone calls. After about 1 year I gave up. We were even willing to somewhat of a loss on our money if they would cancel. It was impossible to reach people and I would be on hold for 10 mins. and the phone line would go dead. My husband did not want to pay the yearly dues this year and of course we got a notice from a collection agency. We paid. Since joining we have only used some bonus points we were given for a 3 day stay in New York City.This past winter we were going to go away and we could find a cheaper vacation on line then go through Royal Holiday.
hola yo compre un paquete con royal holiday hace 4 años fue un paquete de 8 años de vacaciones y ni una vez lo hemos usado este paquete lo pague en un tiempo de un año, se me complica viajas y no quiero pagar manteniemientos que puedo hacer para cancelar mi contrato?
Ayuda por favor, necesito cancelar este contrato de Royal Holiday, no necesito recuperar mi dinero pero quiero cancelar este contrato y dejar de pagar las mensualidades son muy altas y cada vez se me complica mas estar pagando, no quiero afectar mi credito ni meterme en problemas.
I purchased a seven night vacation at The Royal Cancun during a timeshare presentation for Royal Resorts Upon returning home from vacation 5 days later, I went online and discovered I was charged double the rate to stay at this resort. I immediately contacted customer service and cancelled my stay at The Royal Cancun and Contacted Visa to dispute the $4000 down payment I was charged. I was assured by Royal Resorts that my account would be cancelled, I would owe nothing and receive my down payment back. A month later I received a bill in the mail from Royal Resorts. I contacted customer service again and was assured it was only a mistake and I owed nothing, at this time they mailed a letter to me showing my account was closed and my account balance is $0. I begin to think I am finally out of this scam until a month later when Visa calls to inform me that my down payment still has not been refunded. I call customer service again and again and keep getting the run around and am told someone will call me back (which never happened). Upon my last call to customer service they finally tell me they have no plans on refunding the down payment I made.
Quiero cancelar el contrato de tiempo compartido por no poder pagar lo que me resta porque mi papa fallecio y ahora tengo mucho que pagar, ya les conte toda mi historia a los de Royal Holiday y me dijeornque de todos modos tengo que seguir pagando a parte de que no es lo que me prometieron son unos insensibles.
Estimados señores, compramos una membresia en Royal Holiday pero por cuestiones economica q no nos esperabamos encontrar ademas de todas las cosas q se comentan en la web queremos retirarnos, aun no nos ha respondido les envaimos un correo hace una semana y no hemos recibido respuesta .Ojala nos puedan ayudar a cancelarlo ya que en 40 dias debemos cancelar la siguiente cuota.gracias estare a la espera de su respuesta.
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