Raintree Vacation Club, Club Regina

- Razón social
- Regina Club S.A. DE C.V.
- Localización
- Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, Cancun.
- Agencias de cobro
- Aspen National Collections, Brooksville, FL & Grand Junction, CO
- Representantes
- Claudia Perez, Sharon Hall
Quejas Comunes:
- Todos sus clientes se impusieron cuotas especiales en una o varias ocasiones que, en efecto, duplicaron sus cuotas de mantenimientos anuales sin indicar el motivo específico de la cuota de apreciación.
- Raintree ha aumentado sus cuotas de mantenimiento a las tasas más altas que se establecen en sus contratos.
Raintree Teléfono sin costo:
Getting out of the contract is possible. Raintree members in California right now have a class action lawsuit going against RVC and it will be the first nail in their coffin. But recouping your investment? Sorry, that's not going to happen. You'll never see a dime of however much you "invested" in a Raintree resort timeshare.
Please call or email me if you have info regarding the class action law suite. We too have watched our maine. fees triple since we bought in 1996...but worse we are getting now these "special" assessment fees. Property values are not going up they are going down!! And, we don't feel like making up for lost revenue because the cartel is keeping the tourists out of Mexico!!! We had refused to pay the ridiculous payments and now are being told we will be reported to collections...any news or advice?
Own timeshare at Raintree, Club Regina, Cabo. Maintenance fees are huge. How can I get out of this awful situation? Can no longer use points as originally promised. Very limited use.
Quiero anular tiempo compartido ya estoy comenzando con el primer pago, me indicaron que tenia la renta asegurada pero no tengo ningun ingreso. Despues de leer estas historias no me quiero arriesgar, me gustaria que si alguien sabe que puedo hacer me ayude, ya les di cerca de 4 mil dolares y no me gustaria perder mas dinero.
yo puse una demanda en profeco pero estuve un año esperando audiencias y nunca comparecieron y profeco no tiene tanto personal para notificar segun, pero me dejaron igual ya no he pagado nada desde el año pasado y hable a raintree y que mi contrato ya esta cancelado, tengo miedo de que me envien al buro de credito alguien me puede decir que debo hacer?
We bought some years ago and were not allowed to cancel. We have never used it and would like to at least get rid of it!!
Raintree maintenance fees are out of sight. Cannot continue paying these fees. What do I do next?
I own a Silver Week at Raintree Vacation Club. I purchased this as a resale from an original owner. I did not agree to annual membership fees in addition to the Maintenance Fees. There Maintenance Fees have been raised very high! The special assessment is being fought by a class action suit. I wish to cancel my contract and have not paid the special assessment or Maintenance fees since 2008. I am now in collection status for past due fees. The membership is fully paid for. What are my options?
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